Rules of cooking with Maple Syrup by Jessica
1. Never leave it unattended.
2. Don’t forget to add the butter to keep it from spilling over the pan.
3. If you forget 1 &2, make sure you can run really fast down the stairs and leap over the cat to prevent the syrup from boiling over 🤦
4. Locate the thermometer before you start 🤦
5. Every pan and dish you come into contact with will need to be washed.
6. Never start a maple project after 8 pm – you know you’re tired, just dont try it ⏰
7. No, you can’t do 3 other things while you’re cooking maple syrup. Focus – especially because you’ve ignored rule #6
7a. No, there’s not enough time to do anything else while it goes up theblast 2 degrees….. nope nope nope.
8. Seriously, Jess – 3 different kinds of nuts in 3 bowls ?? Are you nuts ? Obviously, yes, because you know this won’t end well…..
9. Ooey gooey hot sticky mess – and I am the 👑 queen of them 😒😂
10. Nobody, but you will know they’re not as pretty as you pictured, and NoBody is going to care once they start eating! 😂🍁
Not joking – if you ever have a question about cooking with Maple – call me! Ask me! I’m sure I’ve screwed it up or made a mess somehow and will gladly let you learn from my disasters!
(802)752-8888 ~ me~ Jessica! (May also have been referred to as Messy Jessie during my childhood 🤣)