I was able to sit on my porch this morning and enjoy a cup of coffee and the peace and quiet. One kid dropped off for a cross country meet and just enough time before delivering the other one to soccer practice. Finding moments to sit are rare this time of year, it’s been a warm beautiful September so far, but in the back of my mind I know the last of the garden needs to be picked up and canned, the woodshed is still missing several tiers, yard cleanup and animal pens to clean.
I can just start to see a little color coming to the hills, a hint of orange here and there and one tree already turned red. The faster they turn the faster I better be prepping for winter!
At the same time as I enjoy the leaves I need to remember to be grateful. I’m busy because I have plenty of food to store and eat this year. I’m busy because I have firewood to put away to keep me warm this winter. I’m busy because I have chickens to give me eggs, ducks and geese to make me laugh and bunnies to snuggle. I’m busy because I have two happy, healthy children to keep me young and bring me joy. Pretty good for a cup o’joe!

September 19- the start of the foliage