Maple Butter

Maple Butter on Maple Bread

Maple Butter on Maple Bread

1 cup Pure Vermont Robust Maple Syrup

3/4 cup melted butter

Cook the syrup until it reaches soft ball stage.  Add butter mix with a hand held blender until smooth and creamy.  Serve warm on gingerbread, waffles, biscuits or Old Vermont Maple Bread. .


*Soft Ball Stage for Candy Making using Cold Water Test. 235 F to 240 F (118 C to 120 C) A small amount of syrup dropped into cold water forms a soft, flexible ball, but flattens like a pancake after a few moments in your hand.oft ball stage:

Boiling syrup to soft ball stage

Boiling syrup to soft ball stage


Maple Pork Chops

04061620186 pork chops

6 thin slices of lemon or lime

3/4 cup Vermont Robust Maple Syrup

1 cup chili sauce

Arrange the pork chops in a baking dish and place one slice of lemon or lime on each chop.  Mix the maple syrup and chili sauce.  Cover and bake for 1 1/2 hours. Uncover and bake 1/2 hour more.  Baste frequently.

Sundays in January


Bliss Field – January morning walk

Sundays in January are refreshing and relaxing. The rush of the holidays is over, the house is back in order and work is back on schedule. They are that period of time just before we begin to tap the trees and work in the woods.


Small stream – January morning walk


Sun through the trees – January morning walk

I can spend a little more time in the kitchen on things like creamy potato or butternut squash soups and making homemade doughnuts. I can take a walk with the dogs and think hey the temperature’s good today……it’s 20 degrees……and actually mean it! I can watch the birds busily working at the feeders while looking through the chicken book (yes of course I need more!) and thumb through the seed catalog with pen and paper ready to make my wish list. One more cup of coffee then to fry the doughnuts, not rushed, not hurried. Life is good!