Sugaring Season 2019 is about to begin! We’re ready and waiting for Mother Nature to give us the go ahead!
I’m NOT Doing These in 2019
1. I’m Not going to do those cross stitch kits that are buried in my steamer trunk full of needlework. 20 years ago I had one peaceful happy baby and Lots of time. I didn’t understand what my mother meant when she kept telling me what a good baby Julie was until Ian came along. I digress – one baby (good good good baby) and I was a stay at home Mom. Wow I did lots of really nice needlework. 20 years later when I it down every few weeks to work on my current embroidery project I hear the whispers from those kits from the bottom of the steamer trunk. I’ve told myself for years “someday” – well if I had really wanted to do them I would have found the time and the initiative. I haven’t. Out they go. Somebody else will like them and want to do them. I don’t need old lingering projects that I’m never going to work on. I do needlework to relax not cause myself stress and it really is ok to admit I can’t do everything.
2. I’m Not going to wait on other people or keep inviting people to do things when they never come. There were a few times I wanted to try a class or go to an event but by the time they had responded the event was sold out. I am going to buy the ticket and take the class or go watch something I want to see. If they want to join me – great – we’ll have a good time, if not I’m going to learn to do things alone. “I’m not lonely but I spend a lot of time alone” Better Boat by Kenney Chesney.
I’m also going to stop inviting people to parties and events they haven’t come to for years because something always conflicts. I’m not really being cynical, just practical – Instead of inviting 80 people and planning food and such for that many, I invited 30 people to my party this year, most of them came and the prep work was less for me and I enjoyed myself more because I wasn’t tired out. Lesson learned – now to make a habit.
3. I’m Not going to save all those tupperware/plasticware containers with no lids, socks with no mates and that drawer full of t- shirts I don’t wear or don’t fit or I don’t like. Might sound simple but it’s clutter – granted it’s tucked away and hidden clutter but it’s still clutter. Just like that needlework whispering from the steamer trunk. Out! Gone! (Ok the “Old Yankee, never throw anything away part of me” will actually give the needlework to someone that wants it, recycle the tupperware to the kids sandbox and the socks and t- shirts to the rag bin)
What I am going to do – I’m going to value my time. I’m going to do the projects I want to do and not because I fell like I should. I’m going to learn to take that class and learn to make a glass blown ornament. I’m going to do fun things at home with people that make the time for me too and I’m going to be able to put away my leftovers from the party with a piece of Tupperware that has a lid that fits! I’m going to realize and put into action the reality that I can’t do everything or save everything or please everyone and that’s okay.
Cheers to a Happy Healthy 2019 !
Maple Thanksgiving Favorites!
For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, For love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year – a day to reflect on all the good things in our lives, to enjoy the people in our life and…
Maple Cranberry Sauce
Maple Cranberry Sauce – homemade cranberry sauce is so easy and adds a touch of class to your holiday table!
Maple Butternut Squash
My new favorite fall squash has to be the Butternut! It has a nuttier flavor to it then others and I love how easy the are to peel! I simply cut the neck of the squash – the bottom half is where all the seeds are and my chickens LOVE this for a treat! Next…