Our vision is a healthy and intact forested landscape that supports a strong and sustainable local economy through stewardship, with permanent protection of core wildlife habitat and connectivity across the entire Northern Forest.
We can achieve this vision when there is:
- Ongoing stewardship of our regions forests built on a foundation of biological diversity and ecosystem resilience.
- Permanent protection of the largest un-fragmented blocks of contiguous forest in our region.
- Caring economic use of our forests to sustain their productivity into the future.
- Connected forests through our region that allow for the movement of wildlife.
- Communities’ appreciation of and commitment to preserving the region’s rich forest heritage that defines our home.
Richford Woodlots – How we can directly make a difference
- Wildlife habitat development
- Interior songbird habitat
- BMPs for working lands
- Water quality protection
- Invasive species control
- Climate change resiliency
To learn more about Cold Hollow to Canada check out their web page!